Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I feel it's time to write a new post. There are so many things out there (in this internet world), that it seems silly to just focus on one or two things. My job has opened up a lot of places on the web that never popped up in my everyday life before June--despite being a college student desperate for means of procrastination. So I want to devote this post to both things that will help you procrastinate and things that will hopefully inspire. (Also, the period key [.] on my computer is dying--if you notice one or two missing, trust me, I've noticed already).
Sites to help you procrastinate:
Things to inspire:
Okay, so there are too many things out there. Avoid Plurk. Not worth the trouble.
The people on plurk...let's just say this: Karma is the point of plurking. People don't seem to care about talking--I mean plurking--with people they don't know. Just a lot of bugs. I'd say try it out in about a month--I'm betting things will be better by then.

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