Friday, March 27, 2009

Internship Day 6 of 12

Half-way through my internship days, and I must say I have really progressed from the first day. Today I have worked on many different areas of WEbook On the Voting Section on WEbook today, I voted for 2 projects "Getting Older" and "Collection of Jokes". "Collection of Jokes" is a muti-author book of many jokes and "Getting Older" is about life tips you gain as a teen. Which I found both these topics not only interesting to myself though I think others would also enjoy to read a few funny jokes and teens would want to read some tips learned in life. I shared my voting choices with my colleagues at WEbook to display my opinion of what readers might want to read or find interesting, and I also showed them other books and projects in the voting section that i found interesting. This afternoon I read through WEbook's book called "101 Things Every Man Should Know How To Do" and my co-worker John showed me the editing process it takes from paper to finalization for a book and writing in general. Dan edited my previous blog entry to show me the simple literature mistakes that I commonly make and how to smoothen out my writing to make it better. These simple tools can even be used on the best writers in the industry because there are some simple mistakes that can be made and way to make your writing sound that much better. Now with these tools i will begin pre-editing my own work before finalization. To end my week I am going to continue reading the "101 Things Every Man Should Know How To Do", so for the WEbookers and other readers who do not have this book please read it there are many pages in the book that could make your day.

6th Day of Internship

Today at Webook my classmate and me worked on a few different tasks. Upon entering Webook in the morning we started to look for submissions that we would find interesting to vote for. Whenever we vote for a submission it gives a chance for the author to have their work publish. One submission i voted for is called "The Misguided Knight Dawn's Awakening". I voted for this submission because i found it a very interesting book that not only i would read but would attract a broad audience. Another submission i voted for is called "Beast" i liked this book because it seems different from books being publish now. As we looked for books we wanted to vote for we also had another task of looking for book that had many project leaders. As i looked for project with a few project leaders i found a submission that was very fun to read which was called "I Survived a Zombie Outbreak!" hopefully later i can find some time to finish reading it. After finishing this one of our co-workers helped us learn about different editing skills. He took one of our past blogs and edited it for us to see what mistakes we have and to show us what a editor does when he goes over a piece of writing. He also showed us past editing he has done on a book that has been publish by Webook which is called "101 Things Every Man Should Know How To Do". As today comes to an end i look back a i feel happy because im goin to go home knowing i learned something and accomplish something today.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

5th day of internship

Today at internship me and my classmate was instructed to submit our own author to the 25 Random Things project. We picked J.K Rowling who is famous for writing the Harry Potter series. Me and my classmate split the anount of facts needed in half and exchanged our information in order to come up wit 25 different and not known facts about J.K Rowling. We visited a few sites in order to make sure the information we search up was consistant and simliar. After completing this project i gained some knowledge about j.K Rowling which is she one of the wealthest women in britain and shes even richer than the queen. As we finish the project our co-workers at webook explained once we finish making our pages for the 25 Random Things project we will look through the webook site and vote on submission that we think are interesting and we will be editing each other projects that we created last week for webook. Overall i enjoyed my day at webook and im becoming more comfortable with this work environment and more open to write down what i feel.

Internship Day 5 of 12

On WEbook there is an excerpt about 25 Random Things about an author, where you place 25 Random Things about an author of your choice. My partner and I chose to work on the author J.K. Rowling, and we came up with 25 uniquely random things about the author. Starting with her first failed marriage to having great success and remarrying, and also showing how she made her rags "to" riches change from being on welfare to being the 12th richest woman in Britain. We both came up with 12 things and then finally combined them after editing and revising each other's work. Tomorrow, we are going to vote on WEbooks projects that have been submitted for publishing. I have searched through a few projects in the voting section today, but have not made my final choices. I plan to look more thoroughly through the other projects and books in the voting section tomorrow before following up on other work. We are also going to make our Facebook pages tomorrow, and edit them to make them a little bit more personal and go through others pages to get the overall feel of Facebook. For now, my day here at WEbook has ended, but it is back to work for me tomorrow morning.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Intership Day 4 of 12

Pace-full day today, I assisted a fellow intern from my school helping him set up his blogger and finish off a project he wanted to create about what your last actions would be if u had 45 minutes to live. His project is still in production but contribution for the project can always be revised or renewed on different moods. I have also contributed to his project with a quick explanation of what Id do with such valuable time. Today I also began brainstorming authors for the 25 Random Things Project, I have not currently made a choice of a specific author but will begin to do so when I return back to the WEbook office next week. An adviser from my school visited me and my other class mate Today at the WEbook office to follow up on us to see how we are doing as interns and what type of work we are doing. Though i must say being a intern at WEbook is alot better than being in school. Next week i have a lot a few projects to work on such as the Facebook Fan Page project, Dan's SEO project and the First Click projects on the WEbook website. I have been thinking about adding a few of my very own projects to WEbook over the week and contribute to others work also. Yet again another productive week has come to an end but I am looking forward to coming back to the we book office next week. Have a good weekend Bloggers nd WEbookers!

4th day of internship

Today i created an gmail account for the use of blogger to blog about my day to day experience interning at webook. After acquiring blogger i went to the webook homepage and started my first project on the site. The project was about if you had 45 minutes to live what would you do i submitted a response to it to start it off for other people. A few hours later me and my classmate went to lunch while outside we discuss which authors we should use for our 25 randon things project we both are still undecided but will finish this next week when we return to webook. Once we got back to the office from lunch our advisor from our school came to visit and check up on us just to make sure we are on task we showed her what we been working on for the pass few days since we came to webook and she seemed proud of us. After she left my classmate showed me his old blog so i can get an idea what to write in a blog. Overall today was an good day and i enjoyed myself at webook.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Intership Day 3 of 12

I edited a previously unfinished project and completed it with my very own contribution. My project is called "Best Pranks" for an overall basis of all the best pranks you've ever made or heard or seen take place. For All the WEbookers here's the link to my project ( My contribution was just about camping trip prank I had made during the winter that ending up turning out as an all out war between two cabins, I sent out a few invites to my current colleagues at WEbook and feedback of my project and other contributions would be appreciated. I worked on creating my GMail account today for the use of Blogger and edited my Blogger profile but left room for a few finishing touches. WEbook has a vast amount of projects and books on its site and i seem to find something new everyday. The website can keep me occupied for a long time especially when responding to others work or creating my own, but the Humor section is always good too. Ive submitted my own article to a project called "The Poop Confessional" may have not been the best fit for all people especially those who easily find many things disturbing even in a literal way, But for the safety of those portions of people, Id say don't read or don't contribute if you don't have a sense of humor. Now to conclude my day with this blog, continue to write and type other WEbookers. I'm most likely brainstorming for the next upcoming book as you read this.

Monday, March 16, 2009

What's a WEbook Writing Tips Widget? Well I'm certainly glad you asked!

Sometimes, we're sitting here writing, trying our hardest to create new and exciting WEbook projects, and yet our brains fail us. Our creative juices run dry.

We know we're not the only ones who need a bit of help mid-day to keep us going. Which is why we've created a writing tips widget to get us through those most difficult brain failing moments. What's a widget, you ask? Well, I'll explain what a widget is to both you and my mom, who surely has never heard of this "inter-web type word."

Because we all love a multiple choice test (easier, right?), which is the best definition of widget?
a. A widget is a device placed in a container of beer to manage the characteristics of the beer's head.
b. Doodad: something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or not known
c. A widget is a live update on a website, webpage, or desktop. Widgets contain personalized neatly organized content or applications selected by its user.
d.A third party item that can be embedded in a web page.
e. all of the above

Answer: While it's true that "
e. All of the above" is the correct answer, we're going to focus on"c" and "d" for the purposes of this post. Save answer "a" to impress your friends at happy hour.

The WEbook widget is a free, daily writing tip that you can embed on your facebook or myspace page, or even your very own blog. It's extremely simple to install - even us interns have figured it out!

Pretty much, all the cool kids are adding it to their networking pages, so why haven't you added it yet? Are you, dare I say it, uncool??

Add it NOW!