Thursday, March 19, 2009

Intership Day 3 of 12

I edited a previously unfinished project and completed it with my very own contribution. My project is called "Best Pranks" for an overall basis of all the best pranks you've ever made or heard or seen take place. For All the WEbookers here's the link to my project ( My contribution was just about camping trip prank I had made during the winter that ending up turning out as an all out war between two cabins, I sent out a few invites to my current colleagues at WEbook and feedback of my project and other contributions would be appreciated. I worked on creating my GMail account today for the use of Blogger and edited my Blogger profile but left room for a few finishing touches. WEbook has a vast amount of projects and books on its site and i seem to find something new everyday. The website can keep me occupied for a long time especially when responding to others work or creating my own, but the Humor section is always good too. Ive submitted my own article to a project called "The Poop Confessional" may have not been the best fit for all people especially those who easily find many things disturbing even in a literal way, But for the safety of those portions of people, Id say don't read or don't contribute if you don't have a sense of humor. Now to conclude my day with this blog, continue to write and type other WEbookers. I'm most likely brainstorming for the next upcoming book as you read this.

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