Monday, March 16, 2009

What's a WEbook Writing Tips Widget? Well I'm certainly glad you asked!

Sometimes, we're sitting here writing, trying our hardest to create new and exciting WEbook projects, and yet our brains fail us. Our creative juices run dry.

We know we're not the only ones who need a bit of help mid-day to keep us going. Which is why we've created a writing tips widget to get us through those most difficult brain failing moments. What's a widget, you ask? Well, I'll explain what a widget is to both you and my mom, who surely has never heard of this "inter-web type word."

Because we all love a multiple choice test (easier, right?), which is the best definition of widget?
a. A widget is a device placed in a container of beer to manage the characteristics of the beer's head.
b. Doodad: something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or not known
c. A widget is a live update on a website, webpage, or desktop. Widgets contain personalized neatly organized content or applications selected by its user.
d.A third party item that can be embedded in a web page.
e. all of the above

Answer: While it's true that "
e. All of the above" is the correct answer, we're going to focus on"c" and "d" for the purposes of this post. Save answer "a" to impress your friends at happy hour.

The WEbook widget is a free, daily writing tip that you can embed on your facebook or myspace page, or even your very own blog. It's extremely simple to install - even us interns have figured it out!

Pretty much, all the cool kids are adding it to their networking pages, so why haven't you added it yet? Are you, dare I say it, uncool??

Add it NOW!

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