Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Publishing is MINE!

I really wanted to say that. I found this blog: and decided I find it funny. Not as funny as this one: , but the livejournal one is no longer active.
It's getting close to the voting period here at WEbook and you should come read the projects that have been submitted. It's like a hunt for buried treasure. We all enjoy treasure hunts, don't we? I mean, we all secretly want to be pirates, right? The official WEbook blog went pirate-y recently.
I had a classmate in an English class show up in full pirate garb refusing to speak in any lingo but pirate for the entirety of International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Until that day, he was so reserved that I honestly wondered if he actually liked anyone else in the class or merely tolerated us. Now I know that he, like all the other people in the class, was simply a freshman afraid to interact with others and show personality lest a demonstration of individuality go over badly. Isn't it ironic that at the beginning of college so many people are afraid to stand out and by the end it seems like most people have personalities so bloated that no one else can fit in the room with them? Please excuse the tangent.
I'm in a very random state of mind today. I'm trying to brainstorm for writing as the creativity well has been particularly dry of late. Will return later with more. Later may be tomorrow. Or next week...

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